TALENT NOTES Both the damage per second and movement and attack speed slow increasing talents do not update already existing debuffs on enemies. Also refreshes the debuff duration for enemy units affected by Chronosphere, effectively extending the duration at most for 3.75/4.25/4.75 seconds.Successive casts do not stack but refresh the duration.The debuff checks all cooldowns continuously and adapts the slow and damage values and stack count immediately.Also, it does not include abilities that are unaffected by cooldown manipulation.Time Dilation's debuff value does not include acquired abilities on cooldown and already lost, as they are not hidden, but removed.putting item in backpack, selling, etc.). Losing already granted abilities by Aghanim's Scepter (e.g.Abilities acquired from the Morphed targeted.Abilities acquired via Devour and Death Pact Devoured Ability.Also counts the cooldown of the following hidden/acquired abilities: Each ability on cooldown adds a stack.The debuff applied has no stack limit, and the number of stacks can be seen on the status buff icon.Abilities affected by Time Dilation can still be reset (e.g.Affects cooldowns of passive abilities as well, but not item ability cooldowns.Causes enemy cooldowns and charge-based abilities to recharge 60% slower while they have the debuff.Affects units in the Fog of War and invisible units, but not invulnerable and hidden units.